Đĩa than Lichfield Cathedral Choir*, Jonathan Rees-Williams ‎– Music For Advent And Christmas

Thương hiệu: Audiomen Sound and Lighting Mã sản phẩm: B5363
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Đĩa than Lichfield Cathedral Choir*, Jonathan Rees-Williams ‎– Music For Advent And Christmas
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Đĩa than Lichfield Cathedral Choir*, Jonathan Rees-Williams ‎– Music For Advent And Christmas
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Đánh giá chi tiết Đĩa than Lichfield Cathedral Choir*, Jonathan Rees-Williams ‎– Music For Advent And Christmas

Đĩa than Lichfield Cathedral Choir*, Jonathan Rees-Williams ‎– Music For Advent And Christmas

Mã SP: B5363

Giá bán: 300K

Thể loại: Classical

Hãng đĩa: Alpha

Tình trạng: đĩa chất lượng tốt, không cong vênh

A1a    Matins Responsory    
A1b    Come,Thou Redeemer Of The Earth    
A2    The Truth Sent From Above    
A3    Adam Lay Ybounden    
A4    There Is A Flower Springing    
A5    People Look East    
A6    A Spotless Rose    
A7    Lo,He Comes With Couds Descending    
B1    On This Day Earth Shall Ring    
B2    Lullaby Lord Jesus    
B3    O Magnum Mysterium    
B4    Hodie Christnus Natus Est    
B5    The Shepherd's Farewell    
B6    Dinng! Dong! Merrily On High    
B7    The Three Kings    
B8    Hark! The Herald Angels Sing


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